Saturday, August 23, 2008

An Hour and Half Away

Today I looked at John and said "I need to get away!" I had basically not left our apartment complex for most of the week and I was feeling really confined to my house. Having a 3 month old while living in China makes it really hard to get out. It takes about twice as long to get anywhere here. Anyway, I needed a break from the kids. Our helper came this afternoon so it gave me a great opportunity to leave while the kids were napping. John needed a haircut so I thought that it would be nice to go with him. In China you can get your hair washed and your head massaged for about $3. So it was worth it to me to go with him. After they washed and massaged my head I realized that it was time for them to style my hair. I have done this before and have realized in the past there is no use in arguing with them about fixing your hair a certain way. If you try to tell them to do what you want they don't think it looks good and end up doing a style that they think looks better. So I decided not to even fight with them this time and just let them have their way with my hair. Below is the end result. I really don't think this picture does my hair do justice. The guy basically took the hair dryer and blew my hair forward in my face. John said it resembled the shaggy dog at one point. When I got back home Kayleigh kept saying "hair mommy hair" and then taking her hands and shaking my hair around. I don't think she liked it either. All in all it was a great hour and half away. We ended our time by getting some gelato on the street. My relaxing time away was worth the bad hair do.


  1. What a great should wear it like that more often...I laughed as soon as I saw you! Miss you!

  2. It's actually not that bad!
