Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why are Naps so Important to a Mom?!

Today marks Zeb's 6 months of life. I can't believe he has been in our lives for half a year. It seems like yesterday that he was born. I am writing this blog now in great frustration at all my expectations that haven't been met. For some reason I had the illusion that by the 6th month of Zeb's life he would be sleeping at least one nap at the same time as Kayleigh so I that I could get some time to myself during the day. But oh no! I just put Zeb down only to hear Kayleigh start saying "momma" after only sleeping an hour! Why are naps so important to moms you say? Well, I think mostly it is for our sanity. To have an hour and half or so of just peace and quiet where no one demands our attention or our time. The way I see it I work a 12 hour shift from 7am to 7pm. Although, Zeb thinks I should start around 6:30am. The naps are my lunch break. I have to continue to remind myself that God is good all the time and all the time God is good! If I do know one thing, this is a refining time for me. I had this idea that kid number two wouldn't be such as an adjustment as going from zero kids to one but God had other plans. I am hoping one day that my kids will nap at the same time but mostly that I will look back at this blog and be thankful that I went through this refining time.

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