Sunday, December 30, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas Time!
This is Christmas Day when we had the Dean's over and had breakfast together.
We then opened presents together, Kayleigh went first and opened her gifts form us and from the Deans. She had a great morning as you can see.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Playground (Part 2)
Kayleigh is playing on the slide here. After being exhausted we headed over to KFC for some lunch and cupcakes to celebrate Juliana's birthday. Kayleigh was on her last leg here and almost fell asleep in the high chair!
Playground (Part 1)
We just celebrated Juliana's (Kayleigh's friend) birthday today. We found an indoor playground at a local shopping mall that kids can play in for a small fee. This includes a huge jungle gym with tubes, two levels, slides and a big room full of balls. As you can see Kayleigh absolutely loved playing in this area. We are very glad we found this place. I have a feeling we have not seen the last of the indoor playground!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Éclair Hand
This morning we had a little bit of a Chocolate Éclair left over so we let Kayleigh try some. After polishing off the chocolate inside she ate the rest of the bread.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Kayleigh's Personality
Monday, December 10, 2007
Speaking Words
"MaMa where?"
"ByeBye DaDa."
Other words she says regularly are:
There are other words she says that we cannot make sense of. We think a little mix of Chinese and English because she hears both languages regularly.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Back and Forth
Yesterday and today all Kayleigh wanted to do is this. All day! Now that she is walking everywhere, we have entered into a new phase in our parenting where we must follow her everywhere. There are times when we let her go wherever without supervision and then it gets really quiet. We know then that she is getting into something! We feel blessed to have had this long without having to follow her everywhere she goes.
Kayleigh in the Camera
This is the first time Kayleigh has seen herself in the video camera's preview screen. She certianly likes to see herself.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Kayleigh Moments
Kayleigh styling her new winter hat that fits her too well for the hat being 2T-5T! Man she has a head on her. Let's hope there are some brains that came with it.
As you can tell Kayleigh really loves her Spaghetti. She loves it so much she wanted her cheeks to enjoy it as much as her mouth does!
This is Kayleigh's Ayi (ah-yee). We have her come and help Alisa clean the house, watch Kayleigh, occasionally fix dinner, and other odds and ends around the house. Kayleigh absolutely loves playing with her every time she comes. We are very thankful for her as she blesses our family each time she is here.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Kayleigh Stands Up and Walks
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thanksgiving Bounty
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Kayleigh Walks!!!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Murder Mystery
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Kayleigh's New Tricks
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Harvest Festival
We took Kayleigh to a Harvest Festival for Halloween. We dressed her up like a flower child. Check out her boots if you can see them they are covered in flowers! She couldn't participate in much of the games but enjoyed watching all the other kids run around. There was one little girl that was dressed up like a strawberry that kept coming up to Kayleigh. I think she really liked her. This news doesn't pertain to the Harvest Festival but I want to share it. Kayleigh stood up by herself for the first time today! I got so excited I think it scared her. We'll keep you updated if there are any steps taken!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
We just returned from our weekend retreat yeaterday and had a wonderful time. Kayleigh was chilling out in one of our hotel rooms and thought it was a little too bright for her liking. We had a great time swimming in the hot springs and playing games at night. The retreat was a great time to bond and hang out outside of everyday life and ministry. Kayleigh also enjoyed the hot springs and certainly did not want to get out whenever we had to go. She loves to swim, especially when the temperature fo the water is like a warm bath.
Ellie and Kayleigh at the Winery
This is a picture of Ellie and Kayleigh at the Winery we visted on our team retreat. We had a great time. Kayleigh found this umbrella and wanted to hold it! The location we went to had hot springs so we went swimming in October! Kayeligh loved it and didn't want to get out of the pool.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Bundle of love

Kayleigh is starting to tell us to bundle her up in blankets and in pillows. She loves to roll around and jump into soft things like our couch in the living room and our bed spread in our bedroom. Here I wrapped her up like I did when she was a little newborn. She loves to waller around in soft stuff. As her personality is comes out more and more, we think we are in for a wild time with this one!
Friday, October 19, 2007
The crazy things Kayleigh does!
This is a picture of Kayleigh and her friends eating dinner together. Notice that Kayleigh is licking her plate. A trick that her Aunt Holly taught her while we were in the States! Thanks Holly! The other day I was in the shower and when I got out I couldn't hear Kayleigh. Most of the time when she is quiet I know that she is into something. I opened the door and she was standing in the living room shredding a kleenex into a million pieces just smiling. Sometimes I just have to laugh! Hope all is well with each of you.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Going to the store on a cold day
This is the first day that has been really chilly. I think it is around 50 Degrees right now and rainy. Kayleigh is starting to get suited up in these pictures for an outdoor excursion to the corner store. Her head bearly fits into her little red hat! Her head size is till in the 98th percentile in size so we are starting to look for new hats.