Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Life Right Now

This is a picture of Zeb playing with my baby ergo carrier. He thought it would be funny to carry his animals around in it. As you can see he doesn't quite have the straps buckled right. I think my kids have thought to play with this carrier because these days I am using it a lot! I used to only use my double stroller on the days that Zeb went to pre-school. He would be tired and didn't want to make the walk home so I would put Layla on one side and Zeb on the other. Kayleigh would of course walk. Well now that Kayleigh's leg is in a cast. She rides in one side and Zeb rides in the other. Layla now rides in the baby ergo carrier. By the time I get home with all three of them, pushing two and carrying one. I am pouring in sweat! I figured out the other day that I am pushing/carrying about 115 pounds! No wonder I am sweating when I walk in the door.

This time in our lives has taught me a lot more patience! I did not realize how much Kayleigh helped me around the house until she can't any more. If she needed something while eating at the table she would get up and get it herself or even get something for one of her siblings. I could call to her while changing Layla's diaper to bring me something. She was a HUGE help with Layla in so many ways. Now I am back to helping her go to the bathroom. Giving her a bath is a challenge all in itself. When this is all over I don't want to take my little helper for grant it. Things have gotten much better though. She is now scooting around on her bottom to get around the house. She even crawls sometimes.

Her little friends have been so kind to her. Her friend Lily brought her tons of games that she could play with while lying on the couch. They have also been so creative with her when we go outside to play so she wouldn't feel left out. I am sure that God is teaching Kayleigh, John and me something through all this.

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