Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Potty Training Take 2!

My personal New Year's resolution was to potty train Kayleigh. Lets face it wiping two bottoms at least 3 to 4 times a day especially in the morning when they are both poops is getting a little old! I'm moving Zeb to cloth ( more on that in another post) and trying to transition Kayleigh out diapers all together. I have tried two unsuccessful days to potty train her. The first day was not planned she looked at me and told me that she wanted to use the potty so my all means I wasn't going to discourage her. That day was not a success. Nothing happened not even a drop! So on this past Tuesday I told John I was buckling down and really doing it. I read this book about how to potty train your child in a half of a day. Before you laugh, I don't believe this is true. I believe in the method they suggest but I don't think she will be completely potty trained by lunch time. So we start out that morning and the book suggests that I show her how to use the potty using a doll. Kayleigh was really into this because she gets treats if her baby uses the potty. When it came time for her to use the potty she did not do it. To give her credit there was a drop or two but that was it. Here is the problem....she basically drinks a ton of liquids and then holds it for so long that she begins to hurt and then starts crying and gives up. Once the diaper is back on she finally uses the bathroom. I can't get her to use it in the potty! Any advice or suggestions are welcome. My plan was to have her potty trained before we left for Thailand but I don't that is going to happen.

Here she is teaching the baby to take off her panties.

Here she is teaching her baby to sit and use the potty.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:08 AM

    We tried different things with each child. At least I think we did. Ethan - every two hours. If he did something, he got a reward. Spent a lot of time sitting with him, reading to him. It helped him relax a bit. I can't remember for sure with Sadie. But with Lily she ran around a bit without anything on - no panties, diapers, etc. It made her more aware of what she is doing. Praise - praise - praise for every little progress - even a couple of drops and PRAY for patience. DON'T LET UP - I would suggest bagging the diapers altogether. My thought is she is using it (diapers) as a bit of control. You WILL win this battle (just keep saying that to yourself).
