Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Carpet Time

Most every day we have what I like to call "carpet time". This is a time where Kayleigh plays by herself for a while. I had to make it carpet time since Zeb is usually asleep in her room. Unlike most American homes we do not have a lot of carpet. Most of our house is hardwood floors. We do have a small piece of carpet in our living room. The basic rules are that she has to play by herself for a certain amount of time and she is not allowed to leave the carpet area. This time is help me get some things done around the house and I don't have a little two year old under my feet all day! I didn't start carpet time until recently so it is still somewhat of a new concept to her. The first couple times I tried it she basically stood at the edge of the carpet with her toes hanging off. She asked me about every 3 minutes"Mommy I come out now?" However, yesterday she finally decided to take advantage of all of her toys that she has to play with and not just stand there the whole time. I realized that she had gotten really quiet so I thought I would check on her since quiet usually means she is up to something. I found her here:

After a few minutes of watching her she started to quietly say "help me Mommy". She had gotten stuck and couldn't get out. She is quite the character.

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