Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pee Pee?!

My dad made it a tradition to give Kayleigh a Hershey's kiss everyday while we were in Thailand. One day she looked at him and said "Pa-Pa pee pee". Of course we had no idea what she was asking for. Eventually after asking many questions we finally figured out that she was referring to the kisses that my dad gave her everyday. I wondered if she would ever really refer to pee pee as the right thing. Yesterday our helper was in the bathroom and Kayleigh came up to me and said "Mommy A yi pee pee"! She finally understands that it using the bathroom. However, right after she said it she did refer back to her Pa-Pa giving her kisses! Above is a picture of my dad with her in Thailand. They are at a swing set that she loved to play on everyday.

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