Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Because We Love You......

I went to a birthday party last night for a friend of mine and as we were talking all my fellow bloggers commented on how often I have been blogging lately. I will be honest most of my motivation for blogging has come from the fact that both John's parents and my parents have just visited us recently and I realized how much they miss of our everyday lives. So in response I am trying my best to keep family updated on what is going on with my kids. In light of this let me tell you how my day has gone so far. In case you are wondering I am still trying to figure out this mom of two thing especially since all the grandparents are gone now. I got up this morning with Kayleigh but I was so tired that I fell back to sleep on the couch as she played in the living room. Occasionally, she would wake me up to ask me what color crayon she was holding. Even though I told her it was orange or red she would always say blue. Because she can say the word blue everything is that color whether it is or not! Then Zeb woke up and it was really time to start my day because he needed to eat. After feeding and diaper changes for both of my children. Which by the way both of my kids have this unbelievable ability to blow their diapers out in the morning! Good thing I have a hard rock stomach! Then on to breakfast. After that I grabbed a shower and what do you know but it was time for Zeb to eat again. During this time Kayleigh began to break down and start crying because she wanted to go outside so bad. I finally gave in and told her we could go outside for a little while. I put Zeb down and tried to put the walkie talkies on him but low and behold they were out of batteries so it was a very quick trip outside for Kayleigh and I. Don't worry Grandparents Zeb survived the 15 mins I was away. During the melt down of wanting to go outside Kayleigh proceeded to tell me that she didn't want me to brush my teeth because she was ready to go. While I was in the bathroom I realized our hose from our washing machine had been removed from the drain pipe which meant that most of my bathroom floor was full of soapy water! I wonder who removed that hose?! To be fair to Kayleigh it could have been that John and I kicked it by accident. Who knows?! All this happened and it is only 1:45! So here I am sitting at the computer blogging while my house looks like a hurricane hit it all because I love my family and want them to know what is happening in our lives. So there you go! Just so you know some mornings go a lot smoother than this one has!

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