Sunday, September 12, 2010

Just Hanging Around

There hasn't been much going on here and I like it that way. Sometimes we need to slow down for a while. We have just been hanging around doing some fun activities at the house. I suppose now is the time to announce to the blog world that I am pregnant. Yes, number 3 will be arriving sometime at the end of February, beginning of March. My due date is March 2ND. Kayleigh is super excited. She is voting for a girl. It is really neat to see her understand this time around. Zeb on the other hand understands a little but I still think he is going to be pretty shocked when this baby arrives. While we wait, I am taking advantage of the time I have to do fun activities with the kids. I know when number 3 arrives my time will be limited.
One day we were doing stamps and Zeb found a bug on his stamp. I am pretty sure he watched that bug for a good 10 minutes. He was so intrigued with it. Maybe I should find him bugs to play with more often so he will sit still??

Kayleigh taking a picture of herself.

And finger painting...

Zeb's version of cleaning himself up from the paint!


  1. I think this is great. John, your kids have your jovial nature for sure. Alisa, I don't know you but I think blogging, arts & crafts, and just generally getting dirty with your kids is awesome. This is a cool idea. I hope all is well. Asa

  2. kayleigh's glasses are sooooo cute:) the pic of zeb at the end is adorable. congrats on baby number 3 on the way, h and h told me, but i was wondering when you were going to mention it on here, hehe.
