Lets face it my kids love water. My sister Holly gave them this giant beach ball for their birthdays. Zeb thought it was pretty wonderful! Kayleigh would run by the ball like a sprinkler and squeal. As a result Zeb learned to squeal too! After they got bored with the beach ball they headed to wash Holly's car. Zeb basically just played in the bucket of soapy water. Kayleigh washed the same place on the car about 15 times. I'm pretty sure that place will have some extra shine for a while. We ended our water fun with a ride down the slip n slide the next day. Kayleigh, being herself, did not want to go down the slide and hit the grass. However, Zeb thought it was pretty awesome. John would sling him down and I would catch him on the other end. He would attempt to crawl up the slide with very little success. It was a lot of fun!