Tonight we said goodbye to some more close friends. My friend Laura and her husband Matt are going to the States for 6 months. When they return to Asia, they will be returning to another city. Kayleigh had to say goodbye to her best friend. She was really sad. Although, they will see each other occasionally it won't be the same as seeing her once a week or so. I have to remind myself that this is part of living overseas and life. People come and go, but I think more often here than in America. I am thankful that there is a time frame that I can tell Kayleigh when she will see Julianna again. We have had some people leave this summer that I don't know when we will see again. That is hard for her little mind to grasp. I'm so glad Kayleigh and Julianna had one last night of fun together before she left.

Julianna, Kayleigh, and Lydia