We just finished an awesome week at the beach with my family. My parents, grandparents, sisters, brother, aunts, uncles and all my cousins went to Ocean Lakes Campground at Myrtle Beach. We had a wonderful time. The campground is huge and once you get inside you ride golf carts around. Kayleigh and Zeb thought that was a lot of fun. The first day that we were there we went to the beach only to discover that Kayleigh did not really like it at all! She didn't want to walk in the sand and she didn't like the ocean either. She told me "Mommy "they" (whoever they is) put salt in it!" ( referring to the ocean). So we spent a lot of time at the pool for the first part of the week and so did the other one million people that were at the camp ground. It was the only time in America that I have felt like I was back in China with all the people around. We kept trying the beach though and by the end of the week Kayleigh enjoyed the ocean a lot. Of course you had to hold her the whole time but at least she liked it. She never got used to the sand and had to have her own chair to sit in at the beach. She was hilarious. Zeb on the other hand thought the beach was amazing and even tasted the sand! He loved getting dirty and just crawled everywhere. We had a wonderful time and I am so glad that we got to spend it with my extended family since we don't see them very often.

Kayleigh with the water gun at the pool.
Kayleigh relaxing in her beach chair.
Since golf carts where the main mode of transportation they had some for sale. We found this Carolina Tarheels one that was for sale for about $12,ooo! Can you believe that?! That is crazy!